The block-based drag-and-drop coding is honestly one of the best and simplest ways to introduce kids to coding.

Visual coding blocks greatly reduce the risk of simple syntax errors (like forgetting a colon or mixing up a closed parenthesis with a closed bracket) getting in the way of learning coding fundamentals.!

The ability to code computer programs is an important part of literacy in today’ s society.

When people learn to code in Scratch, they learn important strategies for solving problems,designing projects, and communicating ideas.

Want to learn how to create your own mobile apps from the comfort of your home? Learn the basics programming through mobile app development with Code for fun using Thunkable.

Build your app by simply dragging and dropping your favorite components and connecting them together with blocks. No code needed. Pull your idea together, block by block.

Python is an important skill that you can teach your children. This computer language is easy for young children as young to understand and use. It is text-based programming, which is advanced and practically has unlimited potential. And due to its utilization at higher education and professional levels, the possibilities for what children get to learn are endless.

It is text-based programming, which is advanced and practically has unlimited potential. And due to its utilization at higher education and professional levels, the possibilities for what children get to learn are endless.